How to Choose My First Hair System

How to Choose My First Hair System

No confuse here. It seems a little bit troubled for ordering a hair replacement system. But you’re never alone when you roll with us! Consider this your Guide Map for need-to-know tips, answers, and advice for a jam-free journey to a great head of hair.

You may be looking for the most invisible appearance possible, or perhaps you prefer breath-ability and durability. This does not mean you can only have one-or-the-other. Many bases can be designed to offer a combination of both.

 There are four basic bases for potion. Roughly can be divided into Full Lace base, PU base, Mono base and Silk base. With these four constructions can be arranged more than 20 types of bases for hair system replacement.

Four design categories

Full Lace Base

Most of the people are want a hair system that will provide breathable and soft feel, then the choice is simple, Full Lace Base are the way to go.  

Full Lace base can be divided into three types. German Lace, Swiss Lace and French Lace.

Soft: Swiss Lace > French Lace > German Lace

Invisible: Swiss Lace > French Lace > German Lace

Life Span: German Lace > French Lace > Swiss Lace

Swiss lace cannot bear heavy hair density; medium light density is the maximum.


PU Base

Base systems made entirely of polyurethane or called“skin” material. The base is very thin nearly to 0.02 mm and its near to your skin color so it’s more invisible. The V-loop technology achieves a natural look. But the life span only have around 30 days. If you are the person who don’t want to wear that often but there’s a special occasion you need to go with a perfect look then the PU base is the best choice.


Mono Base

Mono bases are durable, it’s stronger and more long lasting than Lace base and Pu base. It’s comfortable but don’t breathable compared to Lace base so it may be getting your sweat in summer. The strength of mono means it can have a heavy density. Mono base is a sound choice if you like a full, thick head of hair.

Silk Base

Silk base is usually used for men’s short hair. There are three layers in all, the hair no hair is left under the silk top, just the knots. The hair also looks like it is growing out of your own scalp. Three layers don’t have good ventilation but if you are looking for a toupee that has a vivid scalp you definitely try this one.

Here are a simple way to choose the hair system, if you still confused about that please don’t hesitate to contact us via email or leave message online we will reply you promptly.


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